

Release time:2024-03-20

Congratulations to Aolong Guo and Runqi Kang for publishing Searching for exotic spin-dependent interactions with diamond-based vector magnetometer on Physical Review D!

We propose a new method to search for exotic spin-spin interactions between electrons and nucleons using a diamond-based vector magnetometer. Thevector magnetometer can be constructed from ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy centers along different axes in a diamond. The ^{14}N nuclear spins of nitrogen-vacancy centers in the same diamond can be polarized through the dynamic nuclear polarization method to serve as spin sources. With the vector magnetometer, the sought-after exotic interactions can be distinguished from the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction. For the axion-mediated interaction V_{PP}, new upper bounds of the coupling |g_{eP}g_{NP}| are expected within the force range from 10 nm to 100 μm. For the Z'-mediated interaction V_{AA} , new upper bounds of the coupling |g_{eA}g_{NA}| are expected within the force range from 10 nm to 1 cm. The new upper bounds for V_{PP} and V_{AA} are both expected to be more than 5 orders of magnitude more stringent than existing constraints at the force range of 1 μm with the total measurement time of 1 day.