

Release time:2024-05-25

Congratulations to Runqi Kang for publishing Near-quantum-limited haloscope search for dark-photon dark matter enhanced by a high-Q superconducting cavity in Physical Review D!

We report new experimental results on the search for dark photons based on a near-quantum-limited haloscope equipped with a superconducting cavity. The loaded quality factor of the superconducting cavity is 6×10^5, so that the expected signal from dark-photon dark matter can be enhanced by more than one order compared to a copper cavity. A Josephson parametric amplifier with a near-quantum-limited noise temperature has been utilized to minimize the noise during the search. Furthermore, a digital acquisition card based on field programmable gate arrays has been utilized to maximize data collection efficiency with a duty cycle being 100%. This work has established the most stringent constraints on dark photons at around 26.965  u⁢eV. In the future, our apparatus can be extended to search for other dark matter candidates, such as axions and axionlike particles, and scrutinize new physics beyond the Standard Model.