

Release time:2024-06-14

Congratulations to Ziyun Yu for publishing Noninvasive magnetocardiography of a living rat based on a diamond quantum sensor in Physical Review Applied as an Editor's Suggestion!

We report a high-sensitivity, room-temperature Magnetocardiography (MCG) system based on the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (N-𝑉) centers in diamond, together with its successful application on living animal.  Diamond-based NV centers hold the potential to overcome the sensor limitations for current MCG systems, but their invasive measurement scheme is incompatible with clinical settings. This study presents a MCG system based on N-𝑉 center ensembles enhanced by techniques such as magnetic flux concentration, and demonstrates a practical instance of noninvasive MCG measurement on a living animal. These results mark a substantial step toward deploying diamond MCG in biophysical applications, highlighting its future potential in biomagnetic observations.

The contributions of this work in the field of biophysics have attracted global attention, including a recent interview in New Scientist magazine.